
Comprehension and Written Expression Year 5

Excel Comprehension and Written Expression Year 5 is essential for any student wishing to improve their comprehension skills. It allows students to practice skills such as finding facts, making references, isolating relevant information, understanding questions and paragraphs, and using tables of contents, indexes, maps and graphs to find information. The extracts are from a wide variety of genres to allow students to gain confidence in reading different materials.

Product details

Each new section in the book provides information on what is required for the particular skill being practised. The first extract in each section is intended to lead the student through a number of questions based upon a specific skill. On a number of occasions extracts are reused. This is done to demonstrate that different comprehension skills can be developed from the same piece of writing. Comprehension skills are interdependent.

Questions types include questions that require:
- True-False responses
- Multiple choice responses
- Short answers
- Full sentence answers
- Matching exercises
- Sentence completing
- Sequencing
- Open ended responses.

In this book your child will find:

- Over 60 graded units of stimulating exercises and extracts

- A wide variety of questions including true or false, multiple choice, short answer and sentence completion

- Extracts from many different literary and factual text types

- A lift-out answer section.

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