
Skills For Work 1 Ready For Work

Skills for Work is a series of four photocopiable teacher resource books to use with secondary school students who are thinking about leaving school and joining the workforce, for students in vocational courses and for young adults already at work but who have low literacy levels of literacy.

Product details

Each title deals with a comprehensive range of issues which young adults entering the world of work need to deal with, and includes:
- teacher led activities for use in the classroom
- case studies for discussion and research based activities
- photocopiable worksheets focusing on literacy activities related to various elements of daily life in the workplace
- checklists to help students monitor performance and progress
- sample documents, for example resume, phone records, application letter, email enquiry
Unit 1: About me
Unit 2: Around the house
Unit 3: Getting there on time
Unit 4: Managing your money
Unit 5: Making choices
Unit 6: Health
Unit 7: Food preparation and nutrition
Unit 8: Clothing and presentation
Unit 9: Thinking about work
Appendix: Sample documents and templates

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